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- FIVE TO FIVE Version 2.12
- -------------------------
- for ATARI ST/TT/Falcon
- by Harald Schönfeld and Bernd Spellenberg
- September 1995
- 'Five to Five' is a program to convert various sound file types, as used on
- different computer systems. Some packing algorithms and the following file
- types are currently supported by 525:
- - DVSM (ATARI Falcon 'WinRec')
- - HSN (ATARI 'CrazySounds')
- - FORTUNE (ATARI Falcon 'Fortune')
- - SND, AU (Sun, Mac, NeXT)
- - WAV (PC)
- - AIFF (Mac, ATARI (Cubase))
- - Raw data
- Additionally it is now possible to convert the sample frequency of the sound
- data and to use an adjustable low pas filter.
- Copyright
- Copyright 1994-95 by Harald Schönfeld and Bernd Spellenberg.
- The program 525 is shareware. 525 may and shall be copied and spread under
- the condition that all program- and text- files of this archive are
- included. Commercial use (distribution, selling the program for money,
- spreading via PD disk series or CDs) is not allowed. But the authors may
- grant the permission for such use.
- Registration
- If you use 525 regularely you have to pay the shareware fee of DM 20 ($ 15,
- £ 10). Payment can be done via EuroCheque (or other international money
- orders if you pay the fee!) or remittance order.
- Banking account (for remittance orders only):
- Harald Schönfeld
- Kto. 5117726, Vereinigte Sparkasse im Landkreis Fürth, BLZ 76250110
- or
- Bernd Spellenberg
- Kto. 122343, Raiffeisenbank Fürth eG, BLZ 76260451
- Please write your name in the comment field of the remittance order and send
- us your name, address, email address and a remark to 525 V2.02 for ATARI
- seperately (via mail or email). You will then recieve a personal key from
- us that allows you to register yourself in all future versions of the
- program for all supported platforms.
- Contact address
- Send suggestions, criticism, comments, bug reports, cheques and
- registrations to:
- Harald Schönfeld
- Email: Harald.Schoenfeld@rzmail.uni-erlangen.de
- Post: Lerchenstraße 2, 90587 Veitsbronn, Germany
- Bernd Spellenberg
- Email: Bernd.Spellenberg@rzmail.uni-erlangen.de
- Post: Fürther Straße 11, 90617 Puschendorf, Germany
- Beta testers
- Thanks to Peter Sergedahl, Thomas 'Gryf' Binder, Wolfgang Simon und Adam
- 'Riker' Kulinski (ATARI) and 'Soundy' (OS2).
- Exemption from liability
- The programmers can not be held responsible for any errors which may occur
- while using this software. We do not claim this software is useful for all
- applications.
- 1. System requirements
- Five to Five runs on all ATARI computers of the 680x0 series, no matter if
- MultiTOS or Magic is installed or not, and on Macintosh computers running
- MagicMac. 525 needs about 250 KB free RAM.
- 2. Installation
- Copy the program (525G.PRG=german, 525E.PRG=english) onto your
- harddisk.
- If you own a resource editor, you can insert one of the included 525 icons
- into the deskicon.rsc file. In the next step, you can install that icon as
- the Five to Five desktop icon.
- 3. Usage
- After starting the program, the 'Convert Sample' dialog is shown and the
- 525 menu appears. There are the following menu items:
- Desk/about Five to Five...
- Informs about the current version number and the regsistered user. To
- register as a user, press the 'Register' button and follow the instructions.
- After successfull registration the annoying copyright messages will no
- longer appear.
- File/Convert...
- Here you can select samples for conversion and choose a new file type and
- format.
- "File name" is a PopUp to select the import file. Just click onto the PopUp
- and select the file in the subsequent file select box. The file will be
- opened and 525 tries to get all necessary information from the file header.
- A brief information about the file will be shown on the right of the PopUp.
- If 525 couldn't find a file header, a dialog box appears, where the format
- of the sample data has to be defined manually:
- - the frequency: Click onto the PopUp to select a predefined frequeny, or
- type in any other frequency.
- - the pack/data format
- - the number format: Signed or unsigned
- - the length of a possible header (to avoid distorsions at the beginning)
- Many old ST samples are 8 Bit Mono unsigned.
- To start the program, you can also drag a sound file icon onto the 525
- program icon. The file will then be used as import file. Using MultiTOS it
- is also possible, to drag a sound file icon from the desktop onto the 525
- main dialog window to import the file.
- "Analyse" will show a detailed information about the import file. If the
- file was not yet analysed, the whole file will be scanned now. Then the
- information about length, type, format and peak level will be shown. The
- reported length is the length of the sample data (without any header). 525
- tries to figure out the format by analysing the file header or it simply
- uses the definitions you made in the raw file import dialog.
- To select the export file type, click onto the "File Type" PopUp menu. 525
- currently supports 7 different file types:
- - DVSM: For WinRec, Win Cut, Fortune (ATARI)
- - CIT : For Fortune (ATARI)
- - AVR : Many ATARI St/Falcon programs
- - HSN : CrazySounds (ATARI)
- - SND : Sun, NeXT, Mac
- - WAV : PC
- - AIFF: Mac, ATARI - also uncompressed AIFC
- - AIFF-Cubase: 512 byte aligned, but according to AIFF specifications
- - Raw data: Raw data for many different programs
- To select the format of the export file, click onto the "Format" PopUp. For
- every file type the possible file formats will appear in the menu. An actual
- format consists of several basic formats:
- - Stereo / Mono: Two or one channels
- - Signed / Unsigned: With or without sign
- - Motorola / Intel: For Motorola or Intel CPUs
- - 16 / 8 Bit / Mu-Law / Deltapack: 16 or 8 Bit are uncompressed,
- Mu-Law and Deltapack are compressed. Deltapack needs as much memory as
- Mu-Law, but sounds much better.
- If you select a format, an abbreviation of the complete format text will
- appear in the PopUp.
- Selecting 'Keep' in the PopUp menu ensures that the input format is used as
- export format if this is possible (which depends on the different file
- types). If it is not possible 525 chooses a format that does not use more
- memory than the import format.
- Please notice that it is almost useless to convert a worse format to a
- better one. It only requires more memory but sounds the same. But it is
- possible that other programms support only some formats.
- Converting Mu-Law to deltapack can result in a slightly worse sound quality,
- although deltapack is the better format.
- If the peak level of the import sample is rather low, it is useful to use
- "Maximize volume". Using this option, the file will be written with maximal
- possible volume (and a peek level of about 99% to 100%). In this case the
- file will be scanned once completely. If the following option is active,
- too, the file will be even scanned twice.
- "Fade In/Out" allows you to fade in and out the volume of the sample at the
- beginning and end. This is very useful, as there are often some distortions
- at this part of the sample. The duration of this effect can be typed in both
- for the start and the end of the sample if the option is selected. You can
- type in 1 to 9999 milli seconds. If 0 is used, the option has no effect.
- By selecting the button "Convert Frequency" it is possible to convert the
- sample data from the given sample frequency to any other frequency. You can
- select this frequency by choosing any from a PopUp with pre defined standard
- values or by typing it in.
- Converting a sample to a higher frequency increases the length of the file
- while the sound quality surely will not get better. Converting to a lower
- frequency leads to a shorter file, while the higher frequencies in the
- sample data are lost.
- If frequency conversion is selected, the low pass filter is automatically
- activated. This is necessary to avoid harmonic distorsions when converting
- to a higer sample rate and to avoid aliasing when converting to a lower
- sample rate. The correct edge frequency is automatically selected.
- Unfortunately the filtering process takes some additional time. So if you
- want to hear the result faster and if you don't care about some distorsions,
- you can disable the filter manually.
- "Low pass filter" can also be selected independently of the frequency
- conversion, for example to filter out noise. Just type in the edge frequency
- you want. Mark: The highst possible frequency in a sample with the sample
- rate f (e.g. 8000Hz) is f/2 (4000Hz). So the highst possible edge frequency
- is the half of the sample rate.
- To write the new file select the "Export" button. At first a file select box
- appears to select the export file name. If a file with the same name already
- exists, a warning message appears and you can stop the export. During export
- a visual progress indicator tells you about the current status of the export
- operation. If the export file name is the same as the import file name, a
- temporal file will be created. To abort the convert process, press ESC or
- File/Quit
- Quits the program.
- 4. Internals
- One supported sample type is the DVSM-Format of the programs WinRec, WinCut
- and Fortune. Those are programs for the ATARI FALCON.
- A DVSM sample file has the following structure:
- typedef struct
- {
- char magic[6]; /* "DVSM" */
- int headlen; /* Headlen in Bytes*/
- int freq; /* Sample freqency 0=8kHz 7=50kHz*/
- char pack; /* 0 unpacked, 2=DVS pack method*/
- char mode; /* 0=Stereo 8Bit,1=Stereo 16Bit,2=Mono 8Bit,3=Mono 16*/
- long blocklen; /* if pack>0: Length of a packed block*/
- followed by cookies and the sound data.
- The sample frequencies 0 to 7 correspond to the following frequencies:
- sam_freq[8]={8195,9834,12292,16390,19668,24585,32778,49170};
- For further information refer to the WinRec documentation or take a look at
- the article series 'Sound Sample Formate' in the german magazin ST Computer
- (3/94 - 6/94).
- 5. Known Bugs
- Problems in 256 colours together with NVDI (it's probably NVDI's fault).
- 6. Release History
- 04/12/93: Version 0.9
- 04/12/94: Version 0.91
- - Correction in DVSM import
- 05/05/94: Version 1.0
- - AES 4.02 3D support
- - Copyright Maxon
- 11/27/94: Version 2.0
- - Complete re write of the program.
- - New file types: CIT (Fortune)
- HSN (CrazySounds)
- - Fade in/out time seperately adjustable
- - Correct volume maximation in connection with fading
- - Visual progress indicator
- - Drag&Drop
- 02/01/95: Version 2.01
- - New file type: AIFF (Mac, ATARI)
- AIFF-Cubase (Cubase)
- - Iconize bug with MultiTOS in monochrome mode fixed
- - Bug in user defined message handling corrected
- 03/05/95: Version 2.01 for OS/2
- 03/12/95: Version 2.02 for ATARI
- - Shareware registration dialog
- - Icon for desktop resource file included
- 04/17/95: Version 2.1 for ATARI
- - Frequency conversion
- - Adjustable low pass filter
- - User break during conversion by pressing ESC or UNDO
- - The program can now be hidden using MagiC
- - Bug in command line parameter handling corrected
- - Correct file delete of the export file during 'disk full' on MTOS/MagiC
- 07/18/95: Version 2.11 for ATARI
- - Check back if export file already exists
- - Bugfix in dialog memory management
- - Problem with export status bar fixed
- - Bug in registration dialog fixed
- - Bug in DVS-Import/Export with frequency conversion fixed
- 07/18/95: Version 2.11 for OS/2
- - Functionally equivalent to the ATARI version 2.11
- - First German release
- 09/03/95: Version 2.12 for ATARI
- - Header skip function for raw files
- - No crashing on import files without extension
- - No sreen redraw when iconyfied anymore
- 09/10/95: Version 2.12 for OS/2
- - Functionally equivalent to the ATARI version 2.12
- 7. Future Plans
- - More formats
- .AIFC compressed
- .WAVE 4Bit
- .Yamaha
- - Additional platforms
- .Macintosh
- .DEC Alpha (OSF/1-Digital Unix)